How to Read and Write a Linear Regression Output in Spss

How to interpret the results of the linear regression examination in SPSS?

A previous article explained how to translate the results obtained in the correlation test. Instance assay was demonstrated, which included a dependent variable (crime charge per unit) and independent variables (didactics, implementation of penalties, confidence in the police, and the promotion of illegal activities). The aim of that example was to bank check how the independent variables impact the dependent variables. The test found the presence of correlation, with the near significant independent variables being pedagogy and promotion of illegal activities. Now, the side by side pace is to perform a regression test.

However, this article does not explain how to perform the regression examination, since information technology is already nowadays here. This article explains how to interpret the results of a linear regression test on SPSS.

What is regression?

Regression is a statistical technique to formulate the model and analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. It aims to bank check the degree of human relationship betwixt two or more than variables. This is washed with the help of hypothesis testing. Suppose the hypothesis needs to be tested for determining the impact of the availability of education on the crime rate. So the hypothesis framed for the analysis would be:

  • Null hypothesis H 01 : Availability of pedagogy does not touch the crime charge per unit.
  • Alternate hypothesis H A1 : Availability of teaching impacts the crime charge per unit.
  • Null hypothesis H 02 : Promotion of illegal activities does not impact the crime rate.
  • Alternate hypothesis H A1 : Promotion of illegal activities impacts the crime rate.

Then, after running the linear regression test, four main tables will emerge in SPSS:

  1. Variable tabular array
  2. Model summary
  3. ANOVA
  4. Coefficients of regression

Variable table

The commencement table in SPSS for regression results is shown below. It specifies the variables entered or removed from the model based on the method used for variable selection.

  1. Enter
  2. Remove
  3. Stepwise
  4. Backward Emptying
  5. Forward Pick

Variables Entered/ Removeda

Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method Model
1 Availability of Education, Promotion of Illegal Activitiesb Enter one
a. Dependent Variable: Offense Rate b. All requested variables entered.        

At that place is no demand to mention or interpret this table anywhere in the assay. It is generally unimportant since we already know the variables.

Model summary

The second table generated in a linear regression test in SPSS is Model Summary. It provides item virtually the characteristics of the model. In the present case, promotion of illegal activities, criminal offence rate and education were the chief variables considered. The model summary tabular array looks like below.

Model summary

Model R R-foursquare Adjusted R-square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .713a .509 .501 .60301
a. Predictors: (Abiding), Availability of Education, Promotion of Illegal Activities

Elements of this table relevant for interpreting the results:

  • R-value represents the correlation between the dependent and independent variable. A value greater than 0.4 is taken for further analysis. In this case, the value is .713, which is good.
  • R-square shows the total variation for the dependent variable that could be explained by the independent variables. A value greater than 0.5 shows that the model is effective plenty to determine the relationship. In this case, the value is .509, which is adept.
  •  Adjusted R-square shows the generalization of the results i.e. the variation of the sample results from the population in multiple regression. It is required to take a departure betwixt R-foursquare and Adapted R-square minimum. In this instance, the value is .501, which is not far off from .509, so it is good.

Therefore, the model summary table is satisfactory to go on with the next step. However, if the values were unsatisfactory, and then there is a need for adjusting the data until the desired results are obtained.

ANOVA table

This is the 3rd table in a regression test in SPSS. Information technology determines whether the model is significant enough to make up one's mind the outcome. Information technology looks like below.


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 97.860 2 24.465 67.283 .000b
Residuum 94.540 262 .364
Total 192.400 264
a. Dependent Variable: Offense Charge per unit Predictors: (Constant), Availability of Pedagogy, Promotion of Illegal Activities

Elements of this table relevant for interpreting the results are:

  • P-value/ Sig value: By and large, 95% confidence interval or 5% level of the significance level is called for the study. Thus the p-value should be less than 0.05. In the above table, it is .000. Therefore, the event is pregnant.
  • F-ratio: It represents an improvement in the prediction of the variable by fitting the model after because the inaccuracy present in the model. A value is greater than 1 for F-ratio yield efficient model. In the above table, the value is 67.2, which is adept.

These results estimate that as the p-value of the ANOVA tabular array is beneath the tolerable significance level, thus at that place is a possibility of rejecting the null hypothesis in farther analysis.

Coefficient table

Below table shows the strength of the relationship i.east. the significance of the variable in the model and magnitude with which it impacts the dependent variable. This assay helps in performing the hypothesis testing for a study.


Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .486 .148 3.278 .001
Availability of Education -.178 .105 -.198 one.705 .089
Promotion of Illegal Activities .464 .084  .441 five.552 .000

Only one value is of import in interpretation: Sig. value. The value should exist below the tolerable level of significance for the report i.e. below 0.05 for 95% confidence interval in this written report. Based on the significant value the null hypothesis is rejected or not rejected.

If Sig. is < 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected. If Sig. is > 0.05, and then the null hypothesis is not rejected. If a null hypothesis is rejected, it means there is an impact. However, if a nix hypothesis is not rejected, it means in that location is no impact.

In this case, the interpretation will be every bit follows.

Coefficients tabular array

Independent Variable Sig value Hypothesis Testing Result at 95% conviction interval Interpretation
Availability of Educational activity 0.089 Cypher Hypothesis not rejected (0.089 > 0.05) No pregnant change in crime rate due to availability of Education. This is because of the Sig. value is 0.08, which is more than the acceptable limit of 0.05.
Promotion of Illegal Activities 0.000 Null Hypothesis Rejected (0.000 < 0.05) The significant alter in criminal offence rate due to the promotion of illegal activities, because of the Sig. value is 0.000, which is less than the acceptable value of 0.05. With a 1% increment in the promotion of illegal activities, the criminal offence charge per unit will increase by 0.464% (B value).

Therefore, the analysis suggests that the promotion of illegal activities has a meaning positive relationship with the criminal offense rate.

Lastly, the findings must always exist supported by secondary studies who accept found like patterns.

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Riya Jain


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